

PWD-Completed projects

The Heritage Hillock precinct

  • The Hillock is being developed as a Heritage precinct
  • The wooded Hillock is developed to have walkways and park benches, without disturbing ecology.
  • Project cost: 1.83Cr
  • Date of completion: 16.11.2015

hillock hillock hillock

Indoor Stadium

  • Cost of the project – Rs.12.262 crores
  • Stadium completed and handed over to Education Department on 17/02/2015


  • Plinth area4306 sqm
  • Volley ball/Basket Ball Court1 No
  • Shuttle court4 Nos
  • Table Tennis Court3 Nos
  • Gallery Capacity750 persons

The stadium has been taken over by Puducherry Sports Council and is maintained by the Local Sports management committee. At present 150 regular members are using the Indoor stadium on regular basis.

pwd indoor

Amalgamated LP School building- Parakkal

  • Cost of the project – Rs. 2 Cr
  • Extent – 2059 Sqm
  • Building inaugurated on – 8.12.2014
  • Awarded Indian Concrete Institute’s Outstanding Concrete Structure award 2016

lp school parakkal

Riverside Walkway Phase 1

The Mahe riverside had been made into a beautiful walkway along which Tagore Park, Children’s play area, Freedom fighters War memorial, and Marianne statue are present.

  • Project cost (CSS Tourism)–5.00 Crore
  • Completed & Opened to public on 09.02.2011
  • Length – 500m

walkway walkway walkway walkway

Projects in progress:

Development of Riverside Walkway Phase 3

This CSS project “Development of River side walk way and beautification of beach at Mahe” was sanctioned by the Government of India under Development of Puducherry as a Mega Tourism Circuit as work No.6.

  • Project cost (CSS Tourism)6.00 Crore
  • Length500 m approximate
  • Physical achievement 90% of work completed.(Piling & Deck slab completed Boundary wall & Hand rail construction completed)

walk way phase3 phase3 phase3

Development of Riverside Walkway at Mahe (Phase II)

The Phase II connects the Phase I & Phase III and is at mid portion. The bank at this stretch is mostly private holdings, with an exception of the campus of Govt. Servants’ Quarters and channels ending at the river. Being the longest (800 M walk and 25M bridge crossing) and most difficult to execute, this was taken up as last Phase of the project. This project- phase II of the walkway is the vital link between the two Phases I & III completed/in progress. The other two phases has its own access, entry and independent usability. But the envisaged project will be complete, with the entire walk of about 2 KM, once this phase also is completed

  • Project cost-12.70Cr (taken up under HUDCO loan)
  • Length – 800m
  • The Piling is nearing completion stage. 282 piles out of 312 is casted. 40% of Deck slab laid.

walkway 2 walkway 2 walkway 2 walkway 2 walkway 2 walkway 2

Fishing Harbour:

  • Cost of the Project – Rs71.62 Crores
  • Components

  • Northern, Southern Break water, Quay cum auction hall Office building and canteen , Net mending shed and Gear shed Workshop, toilet and security cabin Roads and hard surfaces
  • Physical Progress – 90%
  • Contractor: Ms.MARG pvt ltd

harbour harbour harbour harbour

Trauma Care Centre

  • Project Cost (UT govt funded project) : 12.825 crores
  • Facilities proposed

Casuality, Acute trauma care , Paediatric , Medical ICCU, Cardiology ICCU and neonatal ward.Ultrasound, dark room, X ray room and Blood bank, Minor, General operation theatre , RMO office, Doctors room , DD office, Conference hall, Library, Bed Lift and Machine room.

trauma trauma trauma trauma

Improvements to Bouleward Road

  • Length – 1670 m
  • Width – 7.50m to 10.50m
  • Raising shoulders & Resurfacing , providing underground cable.
  • 50 % of shoulders raising and extension of culverts completed
  • 50% of shoulders could not be completed for want of lying underground cable
  • Comprehensive proposal for improvement of Mahe Boulevard for entire width for an approximate cost for 2.9 Cr is revised and submitted to Government, to take up the work under Negotiated Loan assistance

Bouleward Bouleward Bouleward Bouleward road

Proposed works:

  • Additional Tourism Guest house
  • guest pwd

  • New Building for CHC-Palloor
  • Improvement to Palloor Police station Junction
  • Rain water harvesting at Pandakkal
  • Providing drinking Water kiosks in all villages
  • Widening of Hospital – Choodikota road
  • Widening of Kallayi to Pandakkal road
  • Widening of Paral to Chokli road
  • Strengthening of Regional Administarator’s Office