P.O. NEW MAHE 673 311 - Phone No0490 233 5777
- Fax No0490 2337188
- Institution functioning from OCTOBER 2000
- Email igptcmahe[at]gmail[dot]com
The Polytechnic College established in Mahe under PIPMATE in October 2000 (funded by Government of Puducherry) was initially named as Mahe Polytechnic Mahe. Government of Puducherry has renamed the Institution as Indira Gandhi Polytechnic College, Mahe. This college was functioning temporarily in Rajiv Gandhi ITI Campus from 19-10-2000 to 20-08-2012. The college has shifted to its own campus from 21-08-2012.
Sl.No | Name of course | Year of Commencement | Annual intake in each year |
1 | 2000-01 | 27+5* | |
2 | 2000-01 | 27+5* | |
3 | 2010-11 | 21+4* | |
4 | 2010-11 | 27+5* | |
102+19* |
*Lateral entry
The qualifying examination for admission is Matric/SSLC or equivalent examination. Another 19 students who have passed Higher Secondary Examination (10+2) (Academic/Vocational)/passed 2 year ITI are admitted in the second year class under the Lateral Entry Scheme.
This institution is in its Seventeenth year and fifteen batches of students have passed out as on April’2017 with good academic record.
ADMISSION: Admission to the diploma courses is for Residents of U.T. of Puducherry only.
However as per order No: H/4/4/PIPMATE/2017/A4/877 dt: 11-08-2017 of the Member Secretary PIPMATE, Puducherry, The unfilled seats after admitting the resident students will be filled with the candidates from other states on merit basis.
- 1. The Institute is provided with high-tech Laboratories with workstations interfaced with Computers, Digital and Microprocessor Labs have been established for Instrumentation & Control Engineering and Computer Engineering Department.
- 2. 35 numbers of latest configuration personal computers have been installed in the computer centre under networking condition with 3 hours back-up of 10 KVA UPS. Another 15 numbers of Pentium III configuration computers have brought under thin-client Technology for the optimum utilization
- 3. 30 numbers of Desktop computers with i3 processor and one 10KVA UPS with 1 hour backup have been purchased for the PC. Lab of the Instrumentation & Control Engg. Department utilizing the MHRD fund during the financial year 2016-17
- 4. Training & Placement section has placed number of students in various Multi National Companies. Implant training is also provided to the final year students every year in reputed firms
- 5. This Institution project” Centralized Automated Toll Station in Highways” the sixth semester students of the academic year 2003-2004 secured 1st place in the state Level Project exhibition among the entire polytechnic Colleges of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry region.
- 6. This Institution project “ Intelligent Railway Control System” by the sixth semester students of the academic year 2004-2005 secured 1st place in the Regional Level Project exhibition held at Kongu polytechnic College, Perundurai., Erode on 19-08-2005 and qualified for participating in the State Level Competetion
- 7. This Institution, in co-operation with D.R.D.A., Mahe conducts a seminar for students on the subject “Renewable Energy Sources” every year in connection with the Renewable Energy Day.
Ministry of Human Resource Development. Govt of India has sanctioned an assistance of Rs. 2 crores for improving the infrastructural facilities of this institution. In the first phase an amount of Rs. 20 Lakhs was released by the MHRD in the year 2011-12 and the same has been fully utilized. In the second phase an amount of Rs.1 crore has been released in the year 2015-16.
- 300 students placed in various reputed organization’s and Multi National Company’s across the nation.
- 550 students from final year were trained so far in various organizations during winter vacation.
- In 2010 one student placed in Al Al Ghwasa Eapt Trdg Dubai
- In December 2010 M/s CMS info systems Pvt. Ltd, Chennai conducted campus recruitment and selected 30 candidates
- First place in the Regional Project exhibition conducted by Department of Technical Education, Chennai for the consecutive 3 years 2003, 2004 & 2005..
- First place in the Regional level project exhibitions conducted by Department of Technical education, Chennai in the year 2004.
Laboratories Available:
- Process control Instrumentation Lab & Instrumentation Lab
- Electronics Lab & Microprocessor Lab
- Computer Centre
- Hardware & Networking Lab
- Physics Lab
- Chemistry Lab
- English Communication Lab
- Workshop for 1 year Engineering
- Auto cad lab
- Wiring and Winding Lab
- Electrical Machines Lab
- Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab
- Power Electronics Lab
- Electrical Machines Lab
- Metrology & Metallographic Lab
- Instrumentation PC Lab